Our Story
Australia’s best bloodlines
The original Terrick West Stud was founded in 1932 from Bundemar and Haddon Rig genetics, and
moved to our family farm at Terrick West on the Northern Victorian plains in 1948.
Terrick West Poll Merino Stud was founded in the 1954 from Poll Boonoke rams and is the oldest
active poll stud in Victoria. In 1982 we combined our best ewes and the remaining horned stud was
Over the last four decades we have focused on producing larger-frame Poll Merinos with the highest
quality fine/medium wool. This began with the introduction of two Moorundie Park rams from
South Australia which delivered significant and consistent improvements in size and bulk across the
stud. In 1989 this was augmented with the first of two Roseville Park fine wool rams. And more
recently we have introduced semen from Wallaloo Park and a share of a Merryville Poll sire.
Today’s strongest genetics
Today, young Terrick West sires consistently produce high volumes of soft handling, deep-crimping
wool in the 17-19 micron range with high comfort factors – on frames weighing over 100kg still with their lambs teeth.
This balance is reflected in our flock, where average micron over the last three years has fallen
below 19 (18.2 in 2020) and our mature animals average more than 8kg of wool production each
Terrick West’s large-framed and plan-bodied sires are also critical for many of our clients joining
ewes to Border Leicesters and other terminal sires – where Terrick West’s consistently bulky and
deep-crimping wool ensures ongoing wool clip value in addition to profitable meat production.
Proven against the best
Terrick West has consistently performed well in sales around Australia and our
diverse clients represent most climates and breeding philosophies.
Terrick West is a proud supporter of Australia’s long merino show tradition – where we get live
feedback on our animals in comparison to the best in the country. And we continue to gather deeper
and deeper breed-value data as an additional vital measure against the best.
This balanced approach to sheep genetics is delivering results for the many farms, climates and
breeding approaches that buy from Terrick West.
In recent years, Terrick West sires have been successfully introduced to flocks across Australia, New
Zealand and South America including high performance studs, large and small commercial flocks,
traditional breeders and leaders in the ASBV data-driven approach.
Delivering for your business
Terrick West sires are delivering consistent returns for our clients – from high-quality progeny and
improved wool clips right through to excellent prices for surplus ewe sales and weather lambs over the hooks.
To discuss how Terrick West’s balanced genetics can deliver for your business, please contact Ross or
Claire via phone or email at the contact details below.